Monday, April 19, 2010

Pregnancy Prediction

My TCM doc played clairvoyant today.

Not knowing what my TCM doc's stand is on ART, I wanted to gently ease him into the idea that we will be resorting to IVF sometime soon-so I asked him if he had any patients undergoing IVF while under his care. He said he did, and he even told me that some woman who's the head of gynaecology in some medical university is seeing him for treatments while undergoing IVF right now. He quickly assumed that we were heading in that direction, and he asked if we were contemplating it. When I told him that we were, as my one year deadline with TCM was already up , he said to me,

"Just wait a little longer. Two more months."

"Two more months? Why?" I asked.

"I have a feeling you'll be pregnant in two months."

"Why?Is that based on your assessment of my current condition?"

"No. It is a gut feeling. It is purely my gut feeling."

OK. I did not whip out my pom-poms and do a celebratory dance but that was, of course, very amusing to me. I told him that we will see a fertility specialist and do an assessment anyhow. And we will take it from there. I am very relieved to hear that he would be happy to continue treating me even if we opt for ART in the future. Two months! Pffffftt!


During dinner, I had one of the many chats I usually have with hubby about our baby-making plans, and I learned that he wasn't very keen on IVF--if that caused a danger to my life. I remembered telling him a long time ago about OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) due to fertility drugs, and that it was very dangerous and that it could even lead to death. And I was shocked that he actually remembered! He doesn't know all the facts but he was deeply concerned at the idea of putting my life at risk for a baby.    He concluded that in the worst case scenario, he would rather that the baby die than me die. I was deeply moved by his profound love for me. Awwwww.....He does love me very much! I never really knew how much until today!


Today is CD22. OPK is still negative. Already one whole box of OPKs, or $50, peed down the drain. This is not going to be a stellar cycle obviously. Maybe it's all my own doing. On CD1 alone, I had four cups of coffee, and since my in-laws left, all I've done is break loose and indulge in sin a.k.a. junk food. Pizza, burgers and icy cold coke every other day. Yes-Caffeine! Fat! Cholesterol! Cold Drinks! All junk! All non fertility-friendly food! At the rate I am going, my TCM doc's 2-month prediction is never going to come true! Hell! At the rate I am going, my two neutered female & male doggies will be pregnant before I will!


Rachel said...

Your TCM Dr. is funny. May be the junk food will do the trick and you would get pregnant.

Gurlee said...

How's it going with the OPKs? Did you get new ones or are you on a break? As for the junk food, once and a while it is good to indulge, right?
I hope your TCM doc is right, imagine?