Friday, September 17, 2010

Ms. RJ1

It looks like eating all that snotty looking bee-spit@royal jelly might be doing my eggs some good after all! I went in for my u/s scan today and Dr.NeverGiveUp says I have 1 follicle growing on my left ovary! 

Its about 14mm big, and looks round and distinct. I am calling her Ms.RJ1 (Royal Jelly One).

He was very excited, saying it was a beauuuuutiful egg. He has not seen me having one this beautiful since I've come to see him. He even called Dr.Don'tWorry in to have a look. She was all smiles. "It's wonderful!" she tells me. They both looked really very pleased! 

I think they like marveling at what royal jelly has been doing for their patients. Dr.NeverGiveUp assured me that the combination of his chinese herbal medicine and royal jelly is very, very effective.

I am so happy! I am glad that all that gagging, nose-pinching, gargantuan effort to swallow this foul, expensive bee-spit twice daily is finally paying off! I don't know if the egg will develop any further but so far, this is a good sign, considering it's CD17, which is a reasonable track record for me. 

A follicle can grow up to 2mm a day and it's usually primed to be released when it's about 18mm. So we are having timed intercourse on Sunday night, and going in to have another scan of the follicle on Monday, CD20. I don't expect a BFP so soon, but hopefully, I'm on the road to super fertility! 


Gurlee said...

woo-hoo! Ms. RJ1!! I hope you grow into something even more beautiful!

Nic said...

Yay, thats great news! Happy BDing and good luck for this cycle, you never know, it maybe the one!

Do I Have to Be a D.I.N.K.? said...

I am so happy that the bee spit is doing its job! I bet it makes it easier to take now.

Mad Hatter said...

Wonderful news, Zengirl! Hurray for a gorgeous follicle and lots of hope for this cycle!

Clare said...

So happy to hear this! Royal Jelly is supposed to be amazing stuff and it is obviously doing you good... go RJ1 go!

Lisa said...

awesome news! i forced back the royal jelly for 3 months before my ivf and i'm sure its the reason it worked!

go follie go!

Rachel said...

Royal Jelly seem to be the miracle. How is the 2WW treating you? Praying and hoping that this is the cycle for you. Hoping that Ms RJ1 has already met someone.