Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Pretty Good Day

I made it! I got my moxa fix today! My TCM doc said that my liver isn't that good today, but it's better!

Well, as long as I qualify for moxa, I am happy!

So today is Moxa No.1 (on CD9), for a brand new cycle.

It feels like deja-vu. So here I go, all over again! We'll be moxabusting (that's my new word) my cold, arctic body all the way to ovulation day to make sure my eggs all thaw by then!

And if I ovulate around CD19, as I usually do, there will be plenty of action on Thanksgiving! Great food and sex--hmmm, not a bad way to celebrate the day!

And I have another piece of good news... The sun hasn't come up yet, and I am already sleepy

Yay! (It doesn't take a lot to make me happy!)

1 comment:

Fertility Chick said...

Whoooo moxa!! I'm due to have one again soon too. Finding though it can give me a headache? Is this normal? We're doing it (and by it, I mean moxa!) at home - but we do leave the windows open to air things out.

Here's to a great cycle and to a Happy Thanksgiving!! ;)

Thank you for your kind words -- we are definitely going to be the moxa girls and will light these cycles on fire!